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Past Projects of OLMR
Field of blueberry bushes

Pre-clearing of diseased blueberry bushes with untamed vegetation growth between bushes. â€‹

Blueberry field after bushes were mulched

After clearing of the bushes, and grinding the vegetation flush to the ground. Ground can now be replanted. 

Christmas trees pre- tree thinning
Christmas trees after tree thinning

Christmas tree that were over grown and choking each other so that the trees were dying because of the competition for nutrients and water.

Rows of trees were taken out, as well as dead trees to give remaining trees the space and nutrients that they need to grow healthy. 

Overgrown underbrush before land clearing

Before land clearing Scio, Oregon

Product of land clearing: underbrush after removal

After land clearing Scio, Oregon

Some clean up we recently did near the river. The owner said he couldn't remember a time when he could see through the trees

River clean up Scio, Oregon

Some clean up we recently did near the river. The owner said he couldn't remember a time when he could see through the trees

After clean up Scio, Oregon

Overgrown nursery stock before orchard removal

Before removal of unwanted nursery stock Scio, Oregon

Post nursery stock removal during an orchard removal clean up

After removal of unwanted nursery stock Scio, Oregon

We get asked all the time if we do hazelnuts, and the good news is we do!  At this project we didn't take out any trees, but we did clean up debris around the trees

Hazelnut Orchard before clean up and grading Sherwood, Oregon

We get asked all the time if we do hazelnuts, and the good news is we do!  At this project we didn't take out any trees, but we did clean up debris around the trees

Hazelnut Orchard after grading Sherwood, Oregon

Licensed, bonded and insured
CCB #125693

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